Monday, September 29, 2008

Congratulations to House Speaker Pelosi

I sent a signed copy of the the following to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today:

"Congratulations, House Speaker Pelosi on again allowing your position of “Party First” to prevent action in the House today. I am referring to the non-partisan and very rational statement your office issued on September 28 regarding the $700B ‘bail out” plan, which you contradicted with the typically partisan remarks you made from the floor today and which resulted in the voting down of that bill as your fellow Democrats cowered before the retreating Republicans and decided to save their seats.

You have now, once again, upheld the 110th congress as a “Do Nothing and Say NO to Everything” Congress!

You and your party seem to forget. President Bush is a lame duck and we the electorate are voting for either a different Republican or a Democrat this year. Frankly, I consider you and your congress to be worse than the Bush Presidency and believe me, I will remember this day and will vote accordingly!"

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