Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thanked my Congressman for Voting Against HR3997

I have read HR3997 and I am convinced this is a bad deal. I am also disappointed that so many of our politicians have been so poor in articulating the probem; don't just tell me it's no good (another version of "trust me; I'm more knowedgeable than you", or "it's too complicated and you would never understand it"). Don't pander to me either; simply tell me "why" in plain english!!!

This is the note I emailed and faxed to my congressman:

"Thank you for voting against HR 3997 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.

I read the act and I have many questions. One of which is, why are we including the troubled assets of "any" financial institution, and specifically "foreign authorities and central banks"?

I further agree with the numerous statements of Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D. Ohio on the subject of rushing to bail out wall street and ignoring the problems on main street.

I understand the compexity and the issues of bailing out home owners who may have made poor decisions or stupid ones. However, why are we spending $700B (or at the very least guaranteeing that amount)???

There must be a better way that protects american assets, provides the credit that the markets requires and does not hand billions of dollars to the same people who got us into this mess in the first place. If this problem is so complex, that ordinary citizens can't understand it, as has been said, then I must question the wisdom of the people who got us into the mess in the first place.

They obviously didn't understand the compexity of what they were doing, or if they did, they they made rash and equally poor decisions and must not be trusted to implement a solution.

Thank you again!"

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