Monday, September 29, 2008

A Note to John McCain on the Failure of the $700B Bailout Bill

I also skewered the Republicans with signed letters to my congressman and to Senator McCain and the RNC:

"Senator McCain:
How can you expect me or my spouse to vote for you and the Republican Party? Today, while Rome was Burning, I saw Republicans in the House vote down the $700B “Bailout Bill” and use partisan politics as their excuse. I saw Republican Congressmen justify this with political blather about protecting the future of their children! Another stunning failure for the 110th congress as a “Do Nothing and Say NO to Everything” Congress!

In the last two weeks, I have personally witnessed two plant closings. I am watching people make a run on the bank. I am watching people hunker down and freeze up expecting the end of the world.

I am listening to you promote plans and make speeches. As a Senator with decades of experience and a leader in your party, you seem incapable of achieving the results necessary with your party.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as the saying goes. You may be a “maverick” running on a platform as a “reformer” but if you cannot lead, then you will be a lame duck from the get go, as they say.

I will remember this day and if you can't get this job done, than we will certainly be voting for someone else!"

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